Directed by Carmen Pollard Militant Mother is the story of mothers in Vancouver fighting for their children's right and access to school. To get to class on time, children from the Raymur Place social housing project were forced to jump shunting train cars that stood in their path. In 1971, after months of petitioning for a safe crossing, a group of mothers made their voices heard by blockading CN rail from delivering goods.
Local Event!
Militant Mothers of Raymur Day​
600 Raymur Avenue, Vancouver
May 7, 11 am–2 pm
Free public gathering to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Militant Mothers of Raymur, who blockaded trains in East Van to demand a safe pedestrian overpass for their kids to use walking to and from school. That crossing over the railway tracks is still in use today! We'll have live music, art making, cake and lots of storytelling.