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Safe Dates: A Teen Relationship Abuse Prevention Curriculum

An interactive, evidence-based dating violence prevention and intervention curriculum offered by the North Shore Women's Centre

What is Safe Dates?

Safe Dates is an interactive training designed to change norms surrounding dating abuse amongst teenagers, emphasize the importance of consent, interrupt gender-based expectations of partners in dating relationships, and provide resources for teens experiencing or witnessing dating violence to identify it and seek help.


Safe Dates is an evidence-based curriculum, which means its efficacy has been proven through published research [1]. The program has had peer-reviewed research published since the 1990s, and organizations that offer the training must be certified. The North Shore Women's Centre is proud to have been certified to offer Safe Dates training in 2024.

Why is it needed?

​According to research by the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, 8.5% of high school students have experienced dating violence, and 11% have experienced sexual violence.


Sexual assaults against high school students in British Columbia are increasing [2, 3]. And, 12% of North Shore youth have disclosed sexual abuse, a number that is also increasing [4].


Giving youth of all genders the skills and knowledge necessary to identify, respond to, and prevent/intervene in cases of dating violence is an effective and necessary measure to reduce and prevent victimization amongst high schoolers. 

Studying Together

Get in touch to inquire about Safe Dates trainings today.

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