NS VAWIR Committee
North Shore Coordinating Committee to End Violence Against Women in Relationships
The North Shore Coordinating Committee to End Violence Against Women in Relationships (NS VAWIR) creates a forum for service providers and representatives from the many sectors involved in preventing and responding to violence against women to network and plan around the areas of service delivery, education, and systemic response.
The Committee is hosted and supported through coordination and administration by the North Shore Women’s Centre.
The Committee includes representation from a wide range of community service providers involved in areas such as policing, probation, victim’s services, crown counsel, health, First Nations, restorative justice, immigrant and multicultural services, counseling, advocacy, crisis and legal services.

The Committee works toward a coordinated response in the following ways:
Service Delivery, Education & Systemic Response
In the area of service delivery, the Committee provides opportunities for front line workers and other representatives of member agencies to regularly meet face-to-face to:
communicate information about their services and referral protocols,
identify gaps and trends in theirs and other sectors,
share feedback from clients and improve program planning,
consider best practices in service delivery for women experiencing violence,
discover how best to create a continuum of service to clients, and
discuss how all agencies can form partnerships to maximize funding opportunities.